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Consider Adding These Cosmetic Services to Your Acne Treatment

If you’ve struggled with acne for some time, you’ve probably tried to control and/or prevent breakouts in various ways. For some, over-the-counter medications containing benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and/or alpha hydroxy acids do the trick. Others might simply need to wash their face more often, wear sunscreen daily, and stop touching, squeezing, and picking at their pimples. Prescription-strength acne medications might be in order for others, whether taken orally or applied topically. And some people require a combination of all these treatments.

The bottom line is this: acne can be treated in more than one way, and certain methods are more or less effective based on the individual. That said, taking care of your skin more generally can also help keep acne at bay and even reduce acne scars. On top of that, these cosmetic therapies can keep your skin looking youthful, hydrated, bright, and even-toned.

For these reasons, you might consider adding the following cosmetic services to your acne treatment routine.

Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT)

Our bodies naturally produce collagen, an important protein that maintains and repairs ligaments, bones, tendons, and skin. More specifically, collagen helps keep up the skin’s structure, elasticity, and texture. Unfortunately, collagen production tends to slow down as we get older, which is partially why skin begins to lose its firmness and even tone.

The good news is that it’s possible to stimulate the creation of collagen via collagen induction therapy (CIT), also known as dermarolling, microneedling, or skin needling. During these procedures, tiny needles are rolled across certain areas of skin, triggering a response that essentially tells the body to start healing itself via collagen production. CIT may be mildly uncomfortable but it’s not typically painful. The benefits of CIT include reducing acne scars, smoothing out the skin, decreasing discoloration, and more.

Chemical Peels

Collagen Induction Therapy isn’t the only way to encourage the growth of new skin tissue. Chemical peels can also enhance the skin’s appearance, albeit in a different way. These treatments, typically composed of glycolic or salicylic acid, gradually burn away the outermost layers of skin so new skin cells underneath can emerge and take their place. A properly administered chemical peel can mitigate acne and acne scars, reduce facial lines and wrinkles, and brighten up one’s skin overall.


You might think about adding facials to your acne treatment routine, too. While chemical peels use acids to promote new skin cell growth, facials incorporate serums, cleansers, moisturizers, and steam to exfoliate the skin. In other words, facials are gentler than chemical peel treatments. That said, they’re still effective at removing oil, dirt, and dead skin cells from the skin to restore its appearance, especially when performed by a cosmetic dermatologist. In some cases, a facial might also include a massage, which can stimulate skin cell production.

Laser Skin Therapies

Lasers are becoming more and more common in the realm of modern cosmetic dermatology, and for good reason. The heat energy of various lasers can help skin repair itself, reduce pigmentation and scarring, minimize broken blood vessels and wrinkles, and more. For some patients, certain laser therapies can play a key role in their acne treatment. Ablative lasers, for instance, destroy portions of the skin (like chemical peels) so that new skin can grow, which is why they’re often used to get rid of acne scars, minimize sun damage and age spots, and treat uneven skin tone. Non-ablative lasers don’t remove old skin cells but do stimulate collagen production, like dermarolling/microneedling. These can also help reduce one’s acne.


Microdermabrasion is yet another way to remove the older, outer layers of skin, and can be an effective acne scar treatment. During this process, a fine, coarse material is rubbed on the skin while a small vacuum sucks up the loosened dead cells. In doing so, the underlying layers of skin can come to the forefront, reducing wrinkles, scars, and even acne itself.

Talk to Your Dermatologist

No one likes acne, and getting rid of it isn’t always easy. While the cosmetic services outlined above are all viable additions to your acne treatment regimen, some are better suited for certain individuals than others. This is why you should speak with your dermatologist to determine which options are best for you and your skin. The experts at Premier Dermatology Partners can point you in the right direction.

To learn more about our providers and all the services we offer, contact us today.

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